If you find yourself in fortunate circumstances this Winter, and feel that you do not need your Winter Fuel payment, we can help you to pass it on to a local person who is struggling to stay warm at home.

Many people we are supporting at the moment are experiencing a very tough Winter. Every time the temperature drops, we are inundated with people who don’t know where else to turn to for help.

We target people who are most in need of our support through our partnerships with Food banks, Age Concern and other organisations in the South Hams. For many people, the basic cost of living is worryingly out of reach at the moment, and December to February are the toughest months.

We pass on donations through emergency pre-payment metre top up vouchers, or Energy bill credit, so all donations go directly towards keeping people warm.

Warmth is so central to our sense of comfort and wellbeing in the winter months, your donation would mean the world to somebody who is struggling.

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