You can get involved as a supporter (just receiving email updates) or as a member. You can volunteer with us, and if you’re interested in a leadership role as a Director please get in touch.

Joining costs only £1, and for that you will get:

  • One vote (per member) at the AGM, corporate members will also receive one vote per organisation.
  • An opportunity to shape our activities and help make our local community more sustainable and resilient.
  • A quarterly newsletter.
  • Potential for joint marketing and PR for corporate members.
  • An invitation to our Annual General Meeting.
  • Opportunities to volunteer and take on a role on the Board of Directors.
  • First-come-first-served discounted tickets to events and conferences organised by us and our partners.
  • A warm fuzzy feeling because your Membership Fee will go directly into SDCE core community benefit activities and allow us to help more vulnerable people to keep their homes affordably heated.

If you would like to become a member, you must be over 16. Please read the Membership Policy, and download an application form.

​If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

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